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Flipping through the channels on TV this week, I happened upon Nick Cannon filling in for Wendy Williams, and quickly he sat comfortable on her set, honoring that it is hers, then owning everything after that. He was loose, funny, likeable and most importantly, the live audience, which was mostly female howled on several occasions, because two things were happening. Nick Cannon was nailing the funny bone of the end user, with humor, improv and the truth of who he is, in his life, in THIS moment, which is a different Nick than the guy I worked with only a couple years back, and he remained true to the Nick of now.
When two young Jersey Boys, not the musical, but actual, young pre-teen kids from Jersey came on to bake pizza; they made the valiant attempt to get Cannon to hand toss the crust in the air, as they were doing. Nick quickly realized it wasn't his gift, as the dough landed behind him, and when the younger of the boys retrieved the dough, brought it back to Nick, but now rolled in a ball, Nick took it and flung it right back to where it just was on the floor. They went right into the making of the pizza to where the boy said, 'The first thing we do is take the dough and we roll it.' Nick said what everyone else was seeing with their own eyes and thinking, 'We don't wash our hands first?' Much laughter!
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Employees Must Do This Before Returning to Work As they got into the routine, the older of the boys instructed Nick to massage the dough, and Nick took over, saying 'Now This I Can Do,' and he began massaging the pizza dough and talking to it like it was the woman he had over for a date that night. The crowd went berserk. When Cannon was my morning guy in NYC, I'd often see the gifts that continue to propel him on a national stage. There is a big difference between Meryl Streep and the actor playing the lead in the latest Disney film.
Talent is different than gifts, gifts are different than hard work, but when all those things work together for good, BAM!! Explosive results. Read the All Access story,.
There are people who put in the work that will never reach the heights that Meryl is able to bring to her craft; and the same can be said for Nick Cannon. I've hosted shows, been the hero in TV commercials and even tried my hand at stand up, but that time where Nick worked with me at CBS Radio gave my talents and gifts, real perspective. How Many Takes Is This Going to Take? When Lady Gaga was pop radio's no brainer artist, delivering hit after hit, we did an online Secret Santa maze, where front row Gaga tix with meet & greet etc, was the prize. Nick would be the Secret Santa, and for his part I wrote him a two-and-a-half-page script of what to say when our listeners found him in this contest. He looked at the script, flipped to the second page, read to the end, said let's do this.
We turned the camera on, faced it towards him and declared, 'Nick Cannon, Secret Santa, Take One!' He never looked back at the script, instead looked right into the camera and nailed it in one take.
I was learning the difference of the hopefulness of someone wanting to be on TV, in the movies on a stage, and someone who was born to do it. Nick and Mariah had just had babies, but as our morning guy he was needed to host one of the three yearly concerts we put on in NYC. Friday Night Live was the theme, which we mirrored identically to the beginning of SNL, with intro, cast of players, leading to Nick as though he was hosting SNL. This script was many pages long, with a beginning, middle and end, and punchlines along the way, and a surprise ending.
It was Friday morning day of show and Nick had not even looked at the script yet. Disaster Waiting to Happen I knew there was no way he would get all the timing and nuance of the humor that was written for him, and come Friday night when I saw him backstage, I asked him if he read the script. 'I looked at it,' he said calmly. I wasn't calm. One of the label reps in NYC had a similar cheeky face as Mariah, and I had noticed this long before Nick was ever my morning guy, but when he became that person, I tucked this idea in my memory for whenever we could utilize her to make people believe it was Mariah. It's showtime and Nick Cannon is announced. As Nick opened revealing the artists on the bill and then getting into his monologue, he hit his first joke which included just having twin babies with Mariah who are backstage, and the crowd went bonkers, just as I knew they would.