Autocad Contour Lisp
CAD Utilities and add-ins. Download, CHELEV.LSP - sets contour elevations (LISP for AutoCAD and Civil 3D) (N.Menu), 1kB,. Jul 7, 2015 - rather than an outside program an actual lisp file that runs in CAD.
After Mao succeeded in restoring his prestige during the 1960s, Liu's eventual downfall became 'inevitable'. Liu's position as the second-most powerful leader of the CPC contributed to Mao's rivalry with him at least as much as Liu's political beliefs or factional allegiances in the 1960s, indicating that Liu's later persecution was the result of a power struggle that went beyond the goals and well-being of either China or the Party. Liu Shaoqi in June 1966, the first year of the Cultural Revolution By 1966, few senior leaders in China questioned the need for a widespread reform to combat the growing problems of corruption and bureaucratisation within the Party and the government.
On another forum a member by the name of 'fixo' was nice enough to write this lisp for me but I just need a little help with it, if anyone can. Basically this lisp takes the 'z' elevation of a contour and places the value in a rectangle above the contour line. The only slight problem I had with it is, I would like to be able to increase the size of the rectangle around the text. If I use a different font, it gets close to the rectangle, which you can notice even more so when plotted.
I was wondering if someone can point out what numbers within the lisp I would have to change in order to increase the offset of this rectangle around the text. I am assuming it is towards the bottom where it says 'text box'. The lisp is a nice one for labeling contours without having to break the contour lines, hopefully others can use it. Again if 'fixo' reads this, I thank you again for your help. Code: (defun alg-ang (obj pnt) (angle '(0.
0.) (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv obj (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint obj pnt ) ) ) ) (defun C:LAB(/ ang angp box dv en ent p1 p2 p3 p4 pt txten txthgt txtpt wid zstr zvalue) (setvar 'osmode' 512) (setq txthgt 3.2);>')) (progn (setq en (car ent)) (while (setq pt (getpoint ' nPick a point on the contour (or press Enter to Exit) >> ')) (setq pt (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto en pt) zvalue (caddr pt) zstr (rtos zvalue 2 0) dv (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv en (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint en pt)) ang (alg-ang en pt) ang (cond ((. On another forum a member by the name of 'fixo' was nice enough to write this lisp for me but I just need a little help with it, if anyone can.
Basically this lisp takes the 'z' elevation of a contour and places the value in a rectangle above the contour line. The only slight problem I had with it is, I would like to be able to increase the size of the rectangle around the text. If I use a different font, it gets close to the rectangle, which you can notice even more so when plotted.
I was wondering if someone can point out what numbers within the lisp I would have to change in order to increase the offset of this rectangle around the text. I am assuming it is towards the bottom where it says 'text box'. The lisp is a nice one for labeling contours without having to break the contour lines, hopefully others can use it. Again if 'fixo' reads this, I thank you again for your help.Did you want increase offset rectangle gap from text?

Let me minute ~'J'~. Code: (defun alg-ang (obj pnt) (angle '(0. 0.) (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv obj (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint obj pnt ) ) ) ) (defun C:LAB(/ ang angp box dv en ent p1 p2 p3 p4 pt txten txthgt txtpt wid zstr zvalue) (setvar 'osmode' 512) (setq txthgt 3.2;>')) (progn (setq en (car ent)) (while (setq pt (getpoint ' nPick a point on the contour (or press Enter to Exit) >> ')) (setq pt (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto en pt) zvalue (caddr pt) zstr (rtos zvalue 2 0) dv (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv en (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint en pt)) ang (alg-ang en pt) ang (cond ((. Code: (defun alg-ang (obj pnt) (angle '(0. 0.) (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv obj (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint obj pnt ) ) ) ) (defun C:LAB(/ ang angp box dv en ent p1 p2 p3 p4 pt txten txthgt txtpt wid zstr zvalue) (setvar 'osmode' 512) (setq txthgt 3.2;>')) (progn (setq en (car ent)) (while (setq pt (getpoint ' nPick a point on the contour (or press Enter to Exit) >> ')) (setq pt (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto en pt) zvalue (caddr pt) zstr (rtos zvalue 2 0) dv (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv en (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint en pt)) ang (alg-ang en pt) ang (cond ((. Code:;;; Contour Elevations at Intervals with Labels;;; Copyleft 2017 Thomas Gail Haws licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL;;;;;; Version: 1.0.0;;; Official Repository:;;; Haws is a registered reserved symbol with Autodesk that will never conflict with other apps.;;;;;; Features:;;; -Uses an exploded block for labeling so you can customize label as needed.;;; -Saves to (setcfg) to remember settings between sessions.
Saves to a single global variable during a session.;;; -Lets you ignore Interval, Label Precision, Label Spacing, Temporary Color, LabelBlockName, and Elevation or change them on the fly.;;; -For programmers, demonstrates small functions with self-documenting names and variable names. Also demonstrates settings management.