Biodata Pemeran Film Love 020 Drama

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Synopsis [ ] Bei Weiwei () is the computer department goddess, who excels in her studies. She aspires to be an online game developer, and goes by the user ID of Luwei Weiwei in the online role-playing game A Chinese Ghost Story. After she gets dumped by her online husband Zhenshui Wuxiang, she gets approached by the number one player Yixiao Naihe, who suggested that they get married so they both can participate in a couple competition within the game. The newly formed couple instantly hit it off, and undergo many adventures together in the game. However, Wei Wei never expected the real identity of her virtual husband to be her college senior, Xiao Nai () who is described as the cream of the crop in both sports and academics.
Baca kumpulan sinopsis lengkap drama china love 020, sinopsis drama china love 020. Pemeran Utama: Yang Yang. Biodata Drama China Drama Filipina Drama India. May 19, 2017 - Di tahun yang sama ia juga bermain di Film “Love 020”, Jing beradu akting. Love 020; 2017: Monster Hunt 2; 2017: Lovers In Hell.
When Wei Wei discovers his true identity, they have already fallen in love with each other. Together, they overcome numerous misunderstandings and obstacles standing in their way of their budding relationship. Cast [ ] Main [ ] Actor Character Introduction Xiao Nai A 4th year computer science student. He is also the CEO of Zhi Yi technology company. He appears to be gentle and kind, but hides a cunning intellect. Known by the web name 'Yixiao Naihe', he is a famous figure and top player in the game A Chinese Ghost Story.
In real life, Xiao Nai is also the most popular guy in campus, famous for being well-versed in both arts and sports. Bei Weiwei A 2nd year computer science student. Considered the 'belle' of the computer science major, she placed second in a beauty voting that took place online within the student community. She is bright, intelligent and helpful, and aspires to be a game designer. Known by the web name 'Luwei Weiwei' in A Chinese Ghost Story, she is the only female player in the Top 10 PK ranking. She catches Xiao Nai's attention unintentionally as she is playing the game in an internet cafe.
Supporting [ ] People at Qing University [ ] Actor Character Introduction Zhao Erxi Wei Wei's best friend and dorm mate. She's bright and cheerful, but can be oblivious and stubborn at times. She falls for Cao Guang in the game Dreaming of Jianghu as Cao Guang mistook her web name for Wei Wei's and start to befriend her. Cao Guang A second year foreign studies student. He is well known for his talent and intelligence, as well as his cynical personality.
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