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A new version of WordPress, significant security enhancements, important discussions, and much more – read on to find out what has been going on in the WordPress community for the month of February. Release of WordPress 5.1 Near the end of the month,, featuring significant stability and performance enhancements as well as the first of the mechanisms that are in active development. Most prominent is the new warning for sites running long-outdated versions of PHP. You can check out for a detailed look at all the new features and improvements. The next release with plans to improve the Site Health features, PHP compatibility, and a number of other things. Want to get involved in testing or building WordPress Core?
You can install, follow, and join the #core channel in. Gutenberg Development Continues The block editor that is now a part of WordPress core started out as a project named with the lofty goal of creating a whole new site-building experience for all WordPress users.
The first phase of Gutenberg resulted in the block editor that was included in WordPress 5.0, but development didn’t stop there –. This month, one of the initial goals for this phase was reached with – this will go a long way to allowing full sites to be built using blocks, rather than simply post or page content. Want to get involved in developing Gutenberg? Check out and join the #core-editor channel in. Block Editor Comes to the Mobile Apps As Gutenberg development continues, the Mobile team has been working hard to integrate the new block editor into. Near the end of February, – this a significant milestone and a big step towards unifying the mobile and desktop editing experiences.
Both the iOS and Android apps are open for beta testers, so if you would like to experience the block editor on mobile today, then. Want to get involved in developing the WordPress mobile apps? Follow, and join the #mobile channel in.

WordPress Triage Team Announced One of the goals for 2019 that Matt Mullenweg () announced in his address last year was to form a team who would work to manage the ever-increasing number of tickets in, the bug tracker that WordPress Core employs. This team, known as the Triage Team,. Their work will involve coordinating with component maintainers, release leads, project leadership, contributors, and other WordPress related projects with issue trackers outside of Trac to ensure that everyone is empowered to focus on contributing. The team was formed based on nominations of volunteers to take part and will be led by Jonathan Desrosiers (). The other members of the team are Chris Christoff (), Tammie Lister (), Sergey Biryukov (), and Sheri Bigelow () – all of whom have a strong track record of contributing to WordPress, have exhibited good triaging practices, and are overall good community members. Further Reading: • In this year alone, has hosted 800 events across the world, all organized by local community members.
• regarding the future of the WordPress Community Summit. • The Polyglots team to take place on 11 May 2019. • The Theme Review team to assist theme developers and reviewers in making sure their code is standards-compliant. • The first is coming up on March 7-8. • The WordCamp Europe team on their designs for a Progressive Web Application (PWA) for • The Design team has been working hard on designing the new Navigation Menu block and are.
Have a story that we should include in the next “Month in WordPress” post? Developer Happiness 5.1 introduces a new database table to store metadata associated with sites and allows for the storage of arbitrary site data relevant in a multisite / network context. The Cron API has been updated with new functions to assist with returning data and includes new filters for modifying cron storage. Other changes in behavior affect cron spawning on servers running FastCGI and PHP-FPM versions 7.0.16 and above. WordPress 5.1 features a new JavaScript build option, following the large reorganisation of code that started in the 5.0 release. Miscellaneous improvements include: • Updates to values for the WP_DEBUG_LOG constant • New test config file constant in the test suite, new plugin action hooks • Short-circuit filters for wp_unique_post_slug(), WP_User_Query, and count_users() • A new human_readable_duration function • Improved taxonomy metabox sanitization • Limited LIKE support for meta keys when using WP_Meta_Query • A new “doing it wrong” notice when registering REST API endpoints and more!