Counter Strike 15 Derats Download

I just downloaded cs1.5 for steam and i installed it. I can see it fine in my steam list and when i open it, it loads the map perfectly, only thing is i cant join a CT or T team, it gives me the option to either join spectate or auto join team. Can someone please tell me how to fix this also i was wondering how do you play cs1.5 in steam online? Is it possible i tried playing cs1.5 retail verson online on the won2 servers but i cant find any nz servers so i get 200 and over ping.
Thx in advance for your help +2 votes.

De_Rats by RomeoJGuy -------------------- *Thank You for Downloading* This is a port of the de_rats map from CS1.6, but instead of just taking the old map and decompiling it and going from there I built everything by hand. Here is a rundown of the updates: *The window actually has an outside thanks to 3d skyboxes. *The fridge recieved upgrades of snowy and displacement mapped ground. *The Water is updated to CSS standards.
7/10 (732 votes) - Download Counter Strike Free. Counter Strike is a MOD of Half Life. Download Counter Strike right now for free, a shooter full of action. Defeat your rivals in the Counter Strike battle. Feel the most throbbing action with one of the greatest action titles launched for PC.
*All objects are physicsable meaning lots of different interesting kills *Clock can be shot off the wall and smash you. *Added more sponges to the sponge tub to allow for fights on there. *Updated the bug spray with new source effects. *Oven uses new source heat wave effects and is now accessible in the oven. (It requires a master jumper, and will hurt you to get there) *Cabinet has been upgraded with new items like a box of nails and a marble trap. I am sure you will enjoy.
I know the pre-sdk people have. HOW TO INSTALL: Place the folders into your xxx Valve Steam SteamApps usernameXXX counter-strike source cstrike The materials folder contains the necessary material files. The maps folder contains the de_rats.bsp Enjoy =) 4y **Pros:** - Nostalgic - Aesthetic - Exemplary **Cons:** - There is nothing in the Rats series of custom maps that can compare to this, as this is just a near-flawless map **Improvements:** - More of a suggestion than an improvement, add more secrets and shortcuts:D (if you can edit maps) **Notes:** - I get a very specific nostalgic feeling when playing on this map:) - Possibly provide a sequel release to this classic map from the creator when it is released - How is CS:S even able to handle this map? It's freaking huge!