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Nada Cecez-Glogovac – Prilikom napada na Donje Selo poginuli su takodje Niksic Velija i Boric S., ubili su ih njihovi saborci, Niko na Donjem Selu nije metka opalio, napad je izveden u poslije podnevnim casovima,niko se nije nadao da bi prve komsije i Konjicani tako nesto mogli uraditi.Kasnije se ispostavilo da su Veliju namjerno ubili, a Boric je ubijen sto je bio svjedok tog ubistva. This platform has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this platform are the sole responsibility of the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. The rankings Top 25% institutions in Slovenia, all authors, all publication years For Slovenia, there are 49 authors affiliated with 14 institutions. Sbornik recepteur blyud i kulinarnih izdelij zdobnov ciganenko chitatj onlajn. A joint meeting between experts of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and the BHDCA’s senior management and staff marked the beginning of a 7-day ICAO Coordinated Validation Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, taking place from 18-25 February 2019.
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Bad English's official music video for 'When I See You Smile'. Click to listen to Bad English on Spotify: As featured on Bad English.