Game Captain Tsubasa Ps2 For Pc Tanpa Emulator Android

Arrow Keys - Ctrl(Select) - Enter(Start) - Z(A) - X(B) Captain Tsubasa 2 - NES Game Captain Tsubasa Volume II: Super Striker (キャプテン翼II スーパーストライカー Kyaputen Tsubasa II: Sūpā Sutoraikā?) is a continuation of the 'Cinematic Soccer' series of games started on the Famicom. Released in 1990 by Tecmo this game is fairly similar to its predecessor but with some slight graphical improvements. It was also the last Tsubasa game to be released on the Family Computer with the series moving to the Super Famicom two years later. Download Captain Tsubasa 2 ROM to PC Genre: Developed by: Tecmo, 1990.
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Released in 1990 by Tecmo this game is fairly similar to its predecessor but with some slight graphical improvements. It was also the last Tsubasa game to be released on the Family Computer with the series moving to the Super Famicom two years later. Template halaman login hotspot mikrotik router. Download Captain Tsubasa 2 ROM to PC. Genre: Sports Developed by: Tecmo, 1990.