Gta Vcs Hacked Save Data Psp Iso

GTA: Police Stories is a mod for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, created. Description: GTA: Police Stories is one of the biggest total conversions for GTA Vice City ever made. While it completely changes the storyline of GTA VC, it also adds tons of new stuff to the game, such as new side-missions, unlimited time of Vigilante missions, whole city opened from beggining, completely changing rampages. You control officer Paul Redstein, a junior officer who fights crime and Mafia in Vice City. For the first time in the III series, you play as cop. NOTE: This TC was first intended to be for GTA III, but it will be for Vice City, including a storyline based on 1990. Storyline: The year is 1990.
Oct 24, 2005 For Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories on the PSP, GameFAQs has 38 save games.
Tommy Vercetti has taken over Vice City. Cubans have gained influence in the city with Vercetti's help. Haitians have suffered much losses, but they're still making deals and trying to take over Vice City and Sharks are still working with them. PIGs and Army have lowered their patrols in the city. Cholos and Rednecks have returned to Vice City, formed their new territory. Bolivian Cartel and Aryan Brotherhood have formed their gangs in the city.
Toni Cipriani has escaped to Vice City after killing a made man. Background ppt lucu dan menarik di medan. A young officer, Paul Redstein, has returned from a six month patrol around the city and he meets his partner, Rico Rodriguez, who welcomes him and helps him break the deal between Sharks and Haitians.
# Agent Mark will come later into storyline. Proxycap 5 27 keygens. # More storyline will come from time to time. Features: NEW LOADING SCREENS (by SuburbianNightmare and Kowaah) Since this is a police mod, there are completely new loading screens in VC style that replace original ones. There is a new VC Logo and mouse color.
NEW AND IMPROVED TEXT (by Orto_Dogge and drakic) Some cars are renamed (Voodoo to 'Haitian Voodoo', Police to 'VCPD Cruiser'.). There are police ratings (Agent, Officer.). Old media ratings are replaced with new ones. New menu buttons, messages and fixed grammar errors. There will be new text for missions. NEW CARS (by ALMOST610 and frank.s) There are two new extra cars - Grand Hermes (Cabbie without any signs) and Premier (Plain Taxi and Police vehicle). Police vehicles are in more shades of blue and black color.
Taxis come in different colors (different shades of yellow and orange, white) Cabbies come in different shades of yellow. Some cars will be replaced with ones from the '90s. NEW SKINS (by frank.s) Player is skinned, and there are black police uniforms (like in the '90s).