Harley Transmission Serial Numbers

Warning: Use of undefined constant HOME_PAGE - assumed 'HOME_PAGE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/terry/public_html/includes/header.php on line 47 Celebrating 44 Years in business!!!! Terry's Tech - Harley VIN Numbers Warning: Use of undefined constant IMAGE_PAGE - assumed 'IMAGE_PAGE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/terry/public_html/includes/header.php on line 73 Use these links to find out more info!! Harley VIN Info ] Harley Davidson VIN Information This information is a combination of years of experience plus information available on the internet. There are a few sites out there with much more detailed VIN info, this is just a guide to get you started. 1903-1930 • VIN information is sketchy at best.
Model designations changed like the weather. This was the beginning and things changed rapidly. There are sites out there with more information about all of this, but even they admit it is not accurate. 1930 - 1969: Example - 47EL1234 • The engine number is the VIN and is located on left case.
Terry's Tech - Harley VIN Numbers. The engine number is the VIN and is located on left case. There are no frame numbers until the 1970 model year.
• There are no frame numbers until the 1970 model year. • First two numbers are the year. • Letters (up to four) are the model designation. • The last numbers are the production number. -- Extra info for 1962 - 1969: -- • If production number has four digits, the first number will be even if the year is even, odd if the year is odd • If production number has five digits, the first two numbers will be even if the year is even, odd if the year is odd 1970 - 1980 ***: Example - 1A 123456 H8 • Numbers on both frame and engine. These numbers will match exactly if the bike is all original (with the exception of some 1979 models, see below).
• First two digits are model code. Visit my Timeline To contact us about anything on the page above: Site Navigation: Buy, Sell, Swap anything bike related (or not, as long as it's legal). It's also a place to meet new friends and share ideas as well as meet some of the people you've read about in magazines.
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