Install Ub Funkeys Without Cd
This is the subreddit for U.B. If you have ever enjoyed this fun little toys-to-life computer game, you can come here for discussions.
Revvinon wrote: Hello deegee - welcome to the forum. I have not tried the patch (I don't have VISTA 64) from TSE but if you followed everything they had written there for running the patch, it probably would be best to call Mattel/Radica. They will send you the patch directly. ****EDIT**** Here is a little more info on installing that patch: from someone who HAS done it. Jimbodo wrote: I just Finally succeeded in installing UB Funkeys on a 64 bit Vista OS. I will try to answer questions if any more arise but I did it using the Speak easy links (type 64 in the search on this forum).
There are direct links to the info starting on the 2nd page of posts under that search. One of them actually had the files to zip to my computer without even calling Tech help. The hardest part was figuring out how to rename the Funkey patch text file to a zip file so that the patch could be extracted. After that following the instructions in the readme worked.
Follow the instructions closely and start the install at the correct point in the patch or it will not work. Thank you Revvinon for the *Edit that had the link on renaming the file Pudle wrote: I had to register to the forums just so I could voice the headache I have had with these Funkeys! Buku aneka resep masakan nusantara beserta gambarnya di. Some clear and precise instructions should be posted for computer illiterate parents. First off, I think of myself pretty proficient with computers and electronics and should not have had to spend 3 days to get the Funkeys to work properly. I bought my daughter a starter kit and 5 Funkeys from different realms for Christmas.
I had no idea what they were ( now I know lots ). I plugged it in thinking a simple plug and play concept.
No such luck. I find out you need to install the software first and ignore the windows drivers? I do this and still nothing! I think that I screwed up the drivers and do a fresh install. Still nothing? I am thinking it has to be a 64 bit thing!
After hours of no luck I call it a night. Next day I have no idea how I found it but I was reading this link. As tempting as updated software sounded, I opted for the patch.
Now this patch is not a simple patch? You have to apply it half way through the install! No worries, 'I got this covered. Patch successful! Game works and my daughter thinks I am a hero! I found out that there are rares and codes and stuff from all my readings trying to get it working. I am actually getting into this game and thinking we are going shopping for more Funkeys!
Now my daughter is saying that Raj is not working? I check it out and to no avail it wants an update! I do some more googleing and no luck!