Kuroko No Basket Season 1 Eng Sub 720p 1080p

Kuroko no Baske Episode 1. Please scroll down for servers choosing, thank you. Kuroko no Basket: Last Game TV 720p Eng Sub The Pirates Anime Kaizoku is the best place to download anime series,anime games,anime movies,anime ova series and much more, providing you with the latest anime dose for free.
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*Episode 2 has been uploaded if you are interested in watching that also. Link on Pinned comments. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit.

Link to episode 2: Link to video: This is Episode 1 of the Kuroko no Basket English Fan Dub. I want to thank everyone who worked on this project with us, you mad this possible. Also huge thanks to Kerubin Pictures for making this all possible. More episodes will come out eventually.
Anyways, Enjoy the episode. Kerubin Pictures- Disclaimer- We do not own the Anime Kuroko no Basket, The voices used in this fan-dub is owned by us however, we also happen to own a copy of the Kuroko no Basket OST 1-3, thats how we have the music for it. Kuroko no Basket is owned by Tadatoshi Fujimaki, Shounen Jump and Production I.G. Please Support the Official Release. All Characters' voice Actors: Hyuga- Me Kuroko- Kagami- Izuki- Kawahara- Aida- Koganei- Krynur#8878 (Discord) Satoshi/Fukada- Furihata- SeaCactus#9830 (Discord) Narrator- Background Characters- Me, FourNation- Patreon- Twitter- Facebook Page- Instagram- Make sure to smash the Like and Subscribe buttons, and hit the little bell icon for more content every week.