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Purpose This tutorial describes how to download, install, and configure Oracle Data Provider for.NET (ODP.NET), Managed Driver and ODP.NET, Managed Entity Framework Driver using Microsoft NuGet. Time to Complete Approximately 10 minutes Introduction Microsoft NuGet is the software development package manager for Microsoft.NET. The NuGet client tools produce and consume these packages, including non-Microsoft software, such as ODP.NET. The is the central repository for hosting and consuming packages. With ODP.NET, Managed Driver and ODP.NET, Managed Entity Framework Driver available on the NuGet Gallery, developers can quickly get started coding ODP.NET applications and/or Oracle Entity Framework 6 applications. All this occurs from within Visual Studio. Oracle.NET software download, installation, and configuration is completely automated.
This tutorial will guide you step by step in downloading, installing, and configuring ODP.NET using NuGet. You will begin with a new project and end with a configured ODP.NET installation that can run Entity Framework 6 applications.
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It's not even necessary having an Oracle Client, ODP.NET, nor Entity Framework installed prior to beginning this tutorial. Nov 27, 2014 - Install the SQLite DDEX provider.
In order to use the Entity Data Model Wizard to generate a Code First or EDMX Model from an existing database, you must be able to connect to the database from Server Explorer in Visual Studio. In order to do that, a so called DDEX provider for the database and Visual. This enables applications which do not have the provider bundled to load the provider from the GAC (Global Assembly Cache). BizDataX Runtime component is an example. Figure 1: Selecting all Entity Framework providers in the Npgsql installer. Select Npgsql EF providers. Install Npgsql 3.0.5 DDEX provider for.
A data designer extensibility provider (DDEX provider) is an implementation of the DDEX support entities, including XML files for describing the data object hierarchy.
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