Mess System Bios Roms Mame Torrent

So, I have every other system I've tried so far (Atari 2600, 5200, NES, and SNES) working fine, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get my beloved Metal Slug to work. It will either load and say 'No Content', immediately close Retroarch, or crash Retroarch with a 'sending this issue to Microsoft' popup. I am absolutely clueless when it comes to this piece of software. I need a step by step guide- like you were explaining how to get it working to your grandmother. Here is what I have done so far: Gotten the game files from Emuparadise Installed all of the different versions of Arcade cores. Tried them all on Metal Slug 2 Downloaded the MAME and MESS bios files from Emuparadise when I read that the BIOS files needed to be in the same directory as the games.
Extracted those files (.rar for the MAME files for MESS) to my Retroarch folder It still isn't working, and I am out of ideas. There are platforms (Neo Geo, for example) in both FB Alpha and MAME that need a bios file (a firmware of the original arcade), you need that file to be able to play the games of that platform. In FB Alpha you need to copy that file to the system folder inside the Retroarch folder, in MAME you have to copy that file in the same folder as the rom.
Also, you will need the rom designed for the specific version of MAME or FB Alpha that you are using. Some roms designed for older or newer versions may work but a lot won't. Download shipconstructor 2008 full crack. It's a little complicated, if you can find a home console version of the game you want to play I would recommend to play that instead, unless of course the console version sucks.

This software set includes MESS game system software along with the system BIOS ROMs. This package provided by option 1 contains mostly only BIOS ROMs. • (no registration. Read the download page to understand the differences between split, merged and non-merged MAME software sets available from the Internet Archive.
MAME isn't like other emulators where there is one ROM that can work on any version. The MAME roms and BIOS need to be from a set made specifically for the MAME emulator version you're using. So if you're using lr-mame2003 emulator, it's based on MAME 0.78, so you will need ROMs from the 0.78 set. It's best to pick a core you want to use (lr-mame2003 has the best mix of function and selection on pi) and then find a romset that matches (0.78 romset). By downloading mame ROMs individually, you're likely getting many ROMs or BIOS that don't match your version of MAME and won't run. Also, I think it's been covered here but bios needs to be in your emulator folder for lr-mame2003 with all the other roms.
Again, the needs to match the version of your emulator just like all the other ROMs.