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AutoPlay Media Studio delivers on the promise of rapid application development. What would normally take days or weeks to build using traditional software development tools (C, C++, Java, Visual Basic) can now be created in record time - by just about anyone. And not just simple little scripts and forms.
We're talking about full-featured interactive multimedia applications complete with web interaction, database connectivity, video playback. AutoPlay Media Studio is the result of nearly 20 years of experience in creating professional software development tools. With over 20,000 software developers using our products around the world, you are definitely in good company. Full Specifications What's new in version 8.5.3 Version 8.5.3 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
General Publisher Publisher web site Release Date October 10, 2018 Date Added October 10, 2018 Version 8.5.3 Category Category Subcategory Operating Systems Operating Systems Windows XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8/10 Additional Requirements None Download Information File Size 58.48MB File Name autoplay-media-studio-trial.exe Popularity Total Downloads 221,620 Downloads Last Week 106 Pricing License Model Free to try Limitations 30-day trial Price $295.
AutoPlay Media Studio full version AutoPlay Media Studio merupakan sebuah software yang dapat kita manfaatkan untuk membuat Autoplay program ataupun membuat pengembangan program. AutoPlay Media Studio adalah software yang sangat bermanfaat, karena banyak fungsi yang di tawarkannya, salah satu contohnya kita dapat membuat menu utama dari presentasi, atau pernah membeli buku yang disertai CD/DVD nya, yups biasanya mereka membuat program launch video tutorial nya menggunakan software autoplay, atau CD/DVD apapun itu bisa Film sering kita jumpai juga menu -menu pilihan. Atau juga kita ingin membuat kumpulan software menjadi satu kesatuan yang kemudian kita akan dimudahkan untuk penginstallanya karena lebih terstruktur rapih.
Fungsi utama AutoPlay Media Studio adalah sebagai software pengembangan program/membuat program dengan dukungan C, C++, Java, Visual Basic dalam waktu singkat. Untuk yang tertarik belajar menggunakan atau memang membutuhkan AutoPlay Media Studio terbaru ini, silahkan download AutoPlay Media Studio berserta crack serial aktivasi nya agar full version.
New Version Available Feature: Added 15 new project templates. • Fix: Changed the Play Multimedia quick action so that it uses the default verb for the file type instead of the “play” verb. This provides greater compatibility. • Fix: Fixed an issue where the File.Move action’s “IncludeHiddenFiles” parameter default didn’t match what was being used. It now uses the correct value from the prototype when not defined. • Fix: Addressed an issue in the File.Copy and File.Move actions where if the path contained erroneous backslashes in some locations, it would result in unpredictable file attributes being set. It may also result in the source folder being deleted in the File.Move action.
• Fix: Made the Registry.GetValue action able to read REG_MULTI_SZ values containing null characters within it’s data. Langkah Aktivasi • Install Software • Lalu buka folder crack, copy isinya dan paste ke C: Program Files (x86) AutoPlay Media Studio 8 • replace yang asli • done full • salam luar biasa Size: 67 MB => via zippyshare => via dbree => via datafilehost Password: Extract Error: Info: Howto?.