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Consider donating to the Electronic Frontier Foundation! They give you stickers! I have been using Macdrive 9 for some time now, but Mediafour has decided to drop support for it with Windows 10. I have never particularly liked the software and Mediafour's practices in general.
With them charging way too much for a Macdrive 10 update (which is the only way to get the software working under Windows 10), I decided to try something different. The immediate alternative seems to be Paragon HFS+. I use their software on several macs and I've had positive experiences so far. Unfortunately, the trial version of HFS+ does nothing on my Windows 10 PC. It installs perfectly well, but it doesn't mount any HFS drives. The first thing I suspected was Macdrive leaving something behind and messing with the Paragon install.
I have cleared the PC of all Macdrive related files and registry entries, but he problem persists. Are there any other files or settings I should try removing or resetting, short of doing a clean Windows install? Are there any other alternatives that enable seamless read/write usage of HFS drives on Windows 10?
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