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• Naing, L; Nordin, R; Musa, R 2001-09-01 Increasing risk of HIV infections among health care workers has been a continuing concern. The study was designed to identify the compliance of glove utilization, and factors related to non-compliance. A sample of 150 staff nurses were recruited from the study population of 550 nurses in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. Data were collected by using a structured self-administered questionnaires. The response rate was 98.4%. The study revealed a low compliance (13.5%) of glove utilization (for all 9 procedures), which varied among different procedures (27-97%). Younger nurses and those with shorter duration of working experience had better knowledge of Universal Precautions.
Nurses in intensive care unit and operation theatre were better in both knowledge and compliance of glove utilization. The three commonest misconceptions were identified as 'selective use of gloves for high risk groups and suspected cases', and 'tendency to depend on HIV prevalence'. Nurses reported practical problems including administrative and personal related such as 'stock irregularity' (46%), 'glove not available at the emergency sites' (44%), and 'reduction of tactile sensation' (39%). It was concluded that poor knowledge and practical problems were possible responsible factors for the low compliance. A good training for nurses comprising principle and practice of Universal Precautions, updated knowledge of blood and body fluid borne infections and risk and its management, will probably improve the compliance. • Imran, A; Azidah, A K; Asrenee, A R; Rosediani, M 2009-06-01 Depression among elderly primary care patients is a serious problem with significant morbidity and mortality.
Peneliti menerapkan suatu metode pembelajaran yang disebut metode Iqra, metode baru yang khusus diperuntukkan mengajarkan baca Al-qur’an. Dari latar belakang masalah yang telah dibahas sebelumnya, serta penerapan metode Iqra dalam proses pembelajaran baca Al-qur’an di kelas V SD Negeri Cinta Allah 3 Kecamatan Maksyar, melalui penelitian. Ptk kelas 4 lengkap download ptk sd word ptk sd kelas 4 doc contoh ptk sd Download ptk pai sd lengkap Download. Tentang suatu bahan. PTK PAI SD TERBARU.
This is a cross sectional study to determine the prevalence of depression and its associated factors among the elderly patients attending the outpatient clinic, Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital. This study utilized Malay version Geriatric Depression Scale 14 (M-GDS 14) to screen for elderly depression among Malaysian population. It also looked into associated risk factors for elderly depression using sociodemographic, family dynamics, and medically related questionnaires.
Out of 244 subjects, 34 or 13.9% were found to have depression. Three variables were found to be significantly associated with depression. Elderly patient with any illness that limits the patient's activity or mobility has more risk of developing depression (OR 2.68 CI 1.15 - 6.24). Elderly patients who were satisfied with their personal incomes (OR 0.29 CI 0.10 - 0.85), and who had children or son/daughter-in-law to take care of them when they are sick (OR 0.10 CI 0.01 - 0.83) have a lower chance of having depression.