Shotplus I Cracked

SHOTplus-i Pro Peledakan. SHOTplus-i Pro Peledakan. Skip navigation Sign in. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue.
Svinec _Ex: lead ore svincovaya ruda _Ex: lead plate svincovaya plastinka _Ex: lead plating osvincovyvanie _Ex: lead spar, lead vitriol svincovyi kuporos, anglezit _Ex: red lead svincovyi surik _Ex: white lead svincovye belila _Ex: sheet lead listovoi svinec _Ex: as heavy as lead ochen' tyazhelyi 2> gruzilo, otves 3> _mor. Lot _Ex: to cast (to heave) the lead brosat' lot, meryat' glubinu lotom 4> _sl. Rukovodstvo na dvigatelj ud 2. Similar words: (1.00) (0.67) (0.67) (0.62) (0.62) lead 1> _him. Pulya, puli; devyat' grammov svinca _Ex: lead poison smert' ot puli _Ex: a hail of lead grad svinca _Ex: to get the lead byt' zastrelennym, pogibnut' ot puli 5> svincovye polosy dlya pokrytiya kryshi 6> pokrytaya svincom krysha; ploskaya krysha _Ex: under the leads na cherdake, pod kryshei 7> grafit; karandashnyi grifel' 8> _poligr.
The SHOTPlus™5 Premier version has significantly more advanced capabilities, enabling you to create complex blast charging and initiation designs, undertake analysis and optimisation of the designs, and generate numerous report types to help better manage blasting. By capturing, consolidating and saving results in SHOTPlus™5 Premier, you can verify results against blast designs to improve future blast design performance. Guitar link software.
The Benchmark in Exel™ shot planning, builds on the functionality of ShotPlan2000™ and can be upgraded* to incorporate blast initiation sequencing of the i-kon™ Digital Energy Control® system. Full windows functionality • Windows interface, highly visible icons • File import, print Highly visual with simple menu system Complete blast design capability, allows planning, evaluation and optimisation of blast designs with Orica products. • On screen simulation • Full training and backup available ShotPlus-i ProS is developed by Orica Explosives and is used by 3 users of Software Informer. The most popular versions of this product among our users are: 3.4, 4.4 and 4.6. The name of the program executable file is ShotplusiProS.exe. The product will soon be reviewed by our informers.