Skript Adbblock Gest is a leading free service to protect publishers. Quickly set up and configure your anti-adblock defenses with no coding required. Anti-Adblock Killer Helps you keep your Ad-Blocker active, when you visit a website and it asks you to disable. Composed of a user script «AakScript» written in javascript and a filter list «AakList» using the same syntax as lists AdBlock and AdBlock Plus, the two.
Useful site, thx! It should be noted cosmetic filters don't enhance speed in any way, they just adds overhead. Holdem manager 2 serial number crack programs site. Especially generic cosmetic rule is bad performance wise.
The number of rules doesn't necessarily reflect overhead i.e. 10 specific rules can be faster than 1 generic rule. Also regular expression should be avoided as much as possible. Tho uBlock has options to disable cosmetic filter or only generic, I personally use 'Easylist without element hiding rules' filter, as Easylist include many cosmetic while other filters I subscribe don't. Needless to say, the best way is default-deny and I do it too.
Click to expand.If you set up Pi-hole, all the work is done in a Raspberry Pi used as a local DNS server on a LAN and the client computers with their browsers and adblocking will get almost no work. I've got one on my LAN but the actual black holing is done in the cloud on a VPS running Unbound with a modified version of Pi-hole that updates its lists with a crontab once every 24 hours. Running a local caching DNS server will not just speed things up by blocking ads, it will gain much more speed by reducing the latency of most DNS queries from several hundred milliseconds to under 10. Linux is a wonderful thing.
I would like to be able to detect if the user is using adblocking software when they visit my website. If they are using it, I want to display a message asking them to turn it off in order to support the project, like does. If you enter to that site and your browser has some kind of adblock software enabled, then the site instead of showing the actual ads shows a little banner telling the users that the ad revenue is used for hosting the project and they should consider turning Adblock off.
I want to do that on my website, I'm using adsense ads on it, How can I do that? Redirecting in this case is a bad idea. If your advertising service goes down, all visitors could be redirected to that page. Not to mention that they would simply throw together a simple script to defeat the counter-measure. Besides, do you really thing that by being aggressive and forceful that users will be motivated to disable their ad-blockers? No, all it would accomplish would be to piss them off and sour them against your site. Most sites opt to simply display a message rather than get hostile.

– Mar 20 '14 at 19:45 •. Good solution, but for ones who suffer from the 100ms delay I suggest adding something like this to doc body: (of course after testing css should be changed to ) – Nov 7 '16 at 10:29 •. My advice is: don't do it! Any scenario where you treat people as 'wrongdoers' is going to result in them fighting back. Here's my proposal. Put a small unobtrusive message at the top of the page (regardless of whether ads are being blocked) with the text I *totally* respect your right to block ads and a link to another page/pop-up entitled Read more. On the other page, make it clear that you understand it's their computer and they are free to use ad blocking.