Update Action Replay Max Ps2 Usb Utilities

Last I heard, Gameshark and ARMax didn't work. I know the Codebreaker works. I've used V10.0 myself and I hear many other versions work as well. There is a certain trick to work it though. Try this with your devices. Connect the Sixasis with the usb cord. Put the disc in.
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My action replay max (ps2) won't load!! Datel Action Replay Max PS2. At the same time then let go when it starts after that update you action replay and all. Feb 16, 2006 Like loads of people, I had a trouble of backing up a Ps2 Action Replay Max with the 'Newer Codes'. I tried everything, trying to switch the codes, modify the cd's, But still to no avail. I finally got my Internet Router so I was able to just manually download the codes off the internet using my ps2 back up disc but some people don't so I found.
While the disc is loading, pay attention to the lights on the Sixasis, If they black out, push the PS button. Do the same when switching discs after enabling the codes (if you make it that far). See if that works.
Let us know if you get it working. I know plenty of people with PS3'sthat would still like to go crazy with San Andreas device codes.
Ok, so I've had Action Replay Max for the PS2 for several months. Every so often, usually when I buy a new game, I update my codelist using a pendrive. I've always been able to update the codelist without any issues until now. The last few updated codelists that I've downloaded seem to have a problem with them. When I try to go to expert mode to view the codes, the codelist starts to load, but then the Action Replay software freezes, requiring a restart of the PS2.
Please anybody, I really need help since I did not save any old codelists and now I can't use ARMax. Ok, so I've had Action Replay Max for the PS2 for several months.
Every so often, usually when I buy a new game, I update my codelist using a pendrive. I've always been able to update the codelist without any issues until now. The last few updated codelists that I've downloaded seem to have a problem with them. When I try to go to expert mode to view the codes, the codelist starts to load, but then the Action Replay software freezes, requiring a restart of the PS2. Please anybody, I really need help since I did not save any old codelists and now I can't use ARMax. Hey i've just joint this forum now cos u guys seem to have brobs and i no a better solution than to delete or format ur drive.
1.download this usefull software called 'Max Codelist manager' 2.use it and select the games u need and transfer the cide list to the pendrive or max drive,this will make the code list smaller. Now make sure that u have no code list on ur memory card. Plug in the max drive and start action replay without transfering the code to ur memory card.click on the icon that lets u 2 the codes and games.now u should only see the codes that u wanted and this way u dont have to mess up ur memory card and ur saving space. Here is the url to download the sofware. If u have more Question mail at TT3000@hotmail.co.uk im glad to help out a fello gamer. I used the method described by TT3000 and it worked great. I would like to mention that if you download the program that he refers to, you will need Microsoft's.NET framework for it to install.