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Blizkie slova:  (1.00) (1.00) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) reA I Rural Electrification Administration noun Vedomstvo elektrifikacii sel'skogo hozyaistva (SShA) II Railway Exp ress AgencyAgentstvo srochnyh zheleznodorozhnyh perevozok reDUCE 1> Sistema programm dlya analiticheskih preobrazovanii. ReLSECT relative Sector reM 1> (_sokr. Ot rapid eye movement) bystryi son, paradoksal'nyi son; son s bystrym dvizheniem glaz (stadiya snovidenii; tzh.

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ReM sleep) reM sleep 1> _fiziol. Bystryi son, paradoksal'nyi son, son s bystrym dvizheniem glaz (stadiya snovidenii) reN rename rePE repeat while Equal rePNE repeat while Not Equal rePNZ repeat while Not Zero rePZ repeat while Zero reQ request reTRO, retro 1> _am. Ot retrofi re officer) specialist po dvigatelyam legkoi posadki re 1> _mif.

Ra (bog solnca v Drevnem Egipte) reaumur scale 1> _fiz. Temperaturnaya shkala Reomyura rebecca noun Rebekka- bibl.

Revekka received Pronunciation 1> normativnoe proiznoshenie (vypusknikov privilegirovannyh chastnyh shkol, prestizhnyh universitetov i t. P.) received Standard English 1> normativnyi, literaturnyi angliiskii yazyk recife noun g. Resifi record Office 1> Gosudarstvennyi arhiv (Velikobritanii; polnost'yu Public record Office) red Army 1> _ist. Krasnaya Armiya red Army Man 1> _ist.

Krasnoarmeec 2> _ist. Sovetskii soldat red Armyman 1> _ist. Krasnoarmeec 2> _ist. Sovetskii soldat red Book 1> 'Krasnaya kniga' (spravochnik, soderzhashii osnovnye svedeniya o predstavitelyah angliiskih pravyashih klassov) red Brigades 1> 'krasnye brigady' (terroristicheskaya organizaciya v Italii) red C rescent 1> Krasnyi Polumesyac (organizaciya tipa Krasnogo Kresta v stranah islama) red Cross 1> Krasnyi Krest _Ex: red Cross Society obshestvo Krasnogo Kresta _Ex: red Cross hospital gospital' Krasnogo Kresta 2> krasnyi krest (na belom fone) (na gospitalyah, sanitarnyh poezdah i t.

P.) 3> krest sv. Georgiya (nacional'naya emblema i flag Anglii) 4> krasnyi krest krestonoscev 5> _sobir.

Krestonoscy _Ex: red Cross knight rycar'-krestonosec red Data Boot 1> Krasnaya kniga (perechen' vidov zhivotnyh i rastenii, kotorym ugrozhaet ischeznovenie) red Duster 1> _razg. 'krasnaya tryapka' (flag torgovogo flota Velikobritanii) red Ensign 1> flag torgovogo flota Velikobritanii red Guard 1> _ist.