Dvd Lab Pro Serial

Modbus Poll is a Modbus simulator designed primarily to help developers of Modbus slave devices or others that want to test and simulate the Modbus protocol. Data logging to a text file readable by MS Excel.
The DVD-lab PRO version is an advanced and comprehensive DVD authoring software for advanced users, offering them a wide range of DVD features.
Datacolor® PAINT 2 is an all new software that redefines the search, match and dispense workflow for paint retailers. Featuring a modern user-interface, PAINT 2 is both easy-to-use and customizable, for immediate brand recognition. Datacolor’s lab-quality matching capabilities enable you to not only find the right color for your customer faster, but also formulate that color with greater accuracy – improving customer satisfaction and minimizing re-tints. Designed for: Retail stores that sell paint & coatings and for manufacturer labs. • Easy-to-learn, easy-to-use: Wizard mode enables search by color or product and all-in-one mode, saving steps to dispense. • Customizable user interface: Add or remove features to suit your workflow, intuitive navigation and custom addition of manufacturer or hardware store logo. • Flexible Formula Management: Use any unit of measurement – shots, ounces, quarts, gallons, or liters – including automatic conversion from volume to weight.
• Re-dispense formulas instantly: Search customer files for any color, between any time period to quickly re-dispense and satisfy repeat customers. • Datacolor PAINT 2 provides superior color matching results. 30% greater efficiency in first shot matching than competitive POS products. Achieve higher customer satisfaction thanks to reduced mistints correction. • Whether your customer wants to customize an accent shade or match exterior colors for stucco and plaster, you’ll always deliver results corresponding to your customer’s vision.
• Datacolor’s proprietary Smart Match® technology adapts to the real behavior of bases and colorants. Manage Your Dispenser Efficiently. To adapt to different paint store settings and regional needs, Datacolor Paint 2 is offered in three levels: • Datacolor Paint EFB (Electronic Formula Book) Our entry-level solution for reliable electronic formula book management offers fast colorimetric search and formula retrieval, customer formula storage and retrieval, manual formula storage, color coordination and communication with the most common automatic dispensers and label printers. • Datacolor Paint CCM (Color Card Matching) Includes all the features of the Electronic Formula Book level PLUS color matching for competitors’ collections and crossover colors. Color Card Matching requires both formulation and color card databases. • Datacolor Paint Pro Our full package that includes all the features on Electronic Formula Book and Color Card Matching PLUS custom match and color correction capabilities.
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