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Vitamin D mushrooms. After three years of effort, the European Commission approved the claim this summer. With the aid of UV light, mushrooms change into small vitamin D bombs. Scelta Mushrooms and Banken Champignons made an effort to also be allowed to use the claim in Europe.
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Are consumers ready for ‘functional foods?’ How do you market a product like this? The technique is simple in theory. Mushrooms contain the substance ergosterol, which is turned into vitamin D under the influence of UV light. “Mushrooms naturally produce vitamin D under the influence of sunlight (UV radiation),” Alex Bos of Banken Champignons explains. Chanterelles and other wild mushrooms picked in forests naturally contain vitamin D. But that’s the theory, the practice is more stubborn. “No vitamin D is produced because mushrooms are grown indoors, and never see sunlight.
Illumination occurs after the harvest. The complexity of this can be found in the consistency,” Roy Janssen of Scelta Mushrooms mentions another bottleneck. “To remain within legislation and regulations, the lamps have to constantly be readjusted.” Claim’s burden of proof important “It sounds simple,” says Alex. “But you have to give proper shape to the process to guarantee the claim that the mushrooms contain vitamin D. We use patented lamps.” The claim isn’t exclusive to Banken Champignons or Scelta Mushrooms. Other players within the framework of the EFSA process can also get started with UV lamps.
“We have a first mover advantage because we gained a lot of knowledge and skill in recent years,” Roy says. “It’s still calm in this field on the market for processed mushrooms, and we’re the only ones to offer these mushrooms.” Three years of literature and practical research preceded the approval. In those years, Scelta Mushrooms and Banken Champignons worked together to prove the claim. “We worked in a controlled environment for three years so as not to harm the quality of the product, but also to be able to guarantee a percentage of vitamin D,” Alex explains. Other producers are free to market vitamin D mushrooms, but they’ll also have the burden of proof. Companies have to show that the mushrooms contain a certain number of micrograms of vitamin D. “Banken Champignons and Scelta offer their customers the comfort that these claim has been proven, and that it has been officially approved by the European Commission.” Available this autumn “It would technically also work with other mushrooms, but that isn’t in our scope,” Roy explains.

Scelta Mushrooms practically only works with white mushrooms. That’s not the case for Banken Champignons. With an assortment of various mushrooms, it became an interesting matter. “For now, the claim can only be made for white and brown mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus),” Alex says. “However, considering these are the mushroom varieties sold most, it offers prospects for the continued growth of the category.” Now that approval has been granted, production can get started.
Scelta starts the production of the vitamin D mushrooms at one of their production locations in October. From there, the process will be rolled out to the other branches, until all white mushrooms contain the additional vitamin D in principle. “Not all parts of the mushrooms are as susceptible to this technique. For example, we have a factory where we make flavour enhancers from the stems of the mushrooms. These stems contain less ergosterol, and therefore have less vitamin D than the caps.” Alex expects that the first fresh mushrooms with vitamin D will be available in supermarkets from September. They couldn’t be available soon enough. When Rob Banken talked to BNR about the new mushrooms earlier this year, the article was picked up by various media.
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