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Free Download PatchTool - Multi-purpose utility for viewing, manipulating, averaging, converting, and exporting color lists. Patch Tool Import CXF file Export color list Patch Convert Import.
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New OS and software vulnerabilities are constantly being identified. Battles with bugs and defects are endless. New features and capabilities mean progress, and progress doesn’t stop.

What does this all mean for the common IT Administrator? Patching, patching, patching. With this onslaught of constant patch releases for Operating Systems and Applications, how can you protect your systems from security risks, win your battles against software defects, and keep current with advancements made in software development? One might say WSUS (Windows Server Update Services) by Microsoft can handle these hotfixes and patches.
True, but if you’ve ever used WSUS, you know it’s overly cumbersome to use, riddled with pesky caveats, and most importantly: only works with Microsoft product updates. What about SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) by Microsoft?
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SCCM is WSUS on steroids, built for the Enterprise. However, and by no secret, SCCM is a beast to manage, with massive administrative overhead. This offering by Microsoft is robust, but typically only manageable by large organizations with teams dedicated to such a role. Patch management solutions should be scalable, easy to use and cover a wide variety of vendor software. Below I’ll briefly review my top five favorite tools for patch management. Some are purely standalone systems, while others offer additional integration with WSUS or SCCM.