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Foundation: 313/9, Janani Flats, TTK Road, Alwarpet, Chennai - 600 018. Phone - 0 / 8, Email - Feb 06, 2018 Sugi Sivam Latest Speech 2018 சுகி சிவம் - How To Solve Any Problems Suki Sivam Motivational Speech in Tamil (Must Watch) List of health related சுகி சிவம்.
6 I Apologize to say before Two Years i hate Hindu Religion But now I Love Bagavath Geetha Now iam praying to god from my heart everyday every minutes and every seconds such a great things are there in this Hindu Religion also one of the best Hindu Religion is not compell anybody you can see the Christians and Islamic Peoples (I dont like to say anything) They knews that much only I NEVER EVER LIKE ARTIFICIAL Now your peoples can understand atleast where iam living right now? Yesssss Iam Living in KUWAIT. Everybody is same there is no more changes In this cases i love HINDU RELIGION Regards Yuvraj Divya Kuwait.